
woodworking course

Kent Turner Chippendale school

Stribh to overcome

Some students come to us straight from school, but many leave it a few years before enrolling at the Chippendale school. Many feel pressured to go into higher education and then into a job that they find unfulfilling. That’s when it becomes a choice between the conventional or following their dreams. We believe at the …

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Heather Jones Chippendale School

Cocktails and 007

Heather Jones from Los Angeles came on our professional course with some furniture design experience, but no woodworking skills. She was previously an art director and graphic designer, and one of her hobbies was designing furniture. She decided that it was time to acquire the necessary skills to turn her visual designs into completed realities. …

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Workshop improvements give students more bench space

Anselm wanted to ensure his tutors were kept busy during the summer holidays so they’ve been refurbishing the main workshop and creating more space round student benches.

“Because we are a not-for-profit organisation, we are continually reinvesting in our buildings and facilities. Every year we make improvements. Our students wanted more space round their benches so we decided to make our workshop even bigger,” says Anselm Fraser.

Chippendale International School of Furniture on Channel 4

Dylan’s family goes on a short break while Secret Removers Alison and George make-over part of the family’s new home in Portobello, near Edinburgh. Will wife Catherine like the surprise?

The renovation team are also surprised to find active woodworm in a printers cabinet, so a visit to the Chippendale International School of Furniture is in order. Anselm Fraser shows them how to treat the woodworm using spraying and injecting.

Chippendale School of Furniture Celebrates with Student Exhibition

The Chippendale International School of Furniture is hosting its annual student exhibition and furniture sale on Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th of June between 6 and 8pm. Anyone interested in seeing and buying the classical and contemporary furniture produced by the 20 students, is invited to come along and enjoy a complimentary glass of wine. The School is located at Myreside Grange near Gifford, East Lothian (on the Haddington Road).

Regarded as one of the UK’s leading furniture making colleges and currently with a full student roll, the Chippendale School runs intensive nine month courses based round a cosmopolitan, woodworking community. With ages ranging from 21 to 55, more than a quarter of the students are from overseas: Spain, New Zealand, Russia, Canada and the US. This year’s students’ backgrounds range from IT, the police and army, to the professions, teaching and post graduates with creative degrees.

I’ve made my bed

Melinda Schwakhofer, who graduated from The Chippendale International School of Furniture in 1999, built this bed as her final project on the furniture design, furniture making and furniture restoration course.

Melinda, who is now a fibre artist, created the headboard art quilt at the same time as the bed, which she calls ‘Enter the Forest of Dreams’. The bed quilt was created in 2012.