Ian and Patricia Brand Chippendale school introductory course

Married to woodworking

We’ve had best friends on our one-week introductory courses, and even a mother standing in for her son when he couldn’t take up his place.

This week Ian and Patricia Brand from west London, both working in financial services, are the first husband and wife we’ve had on the course.

Ian, having been given a set of woodworking tools by his father as a teenager, has a long-standing interest in DIY and Patricia in the arts and crafts, such as pottery, stained glass and basket weaving.

It was, therefore, easy for Ian to persuade his wife to also join this course as the perfect introduction to woodworking.

They both want to take their woodworking skills to the next level and see where it takes them – whether that’s to work on projects back home or undertake one of our one-month intermediate courses.

Both courses have become very popular, with our next one-week introductory courses taking place on 24th to 28th June, 16th to 20th September and 16th to 20th December.

Our one-month intermediate courses are built around each student, and have no fixed start or finishing date – with only two students at any one time to maximise one-to-one tuition.

Dates for our next introductory course can be found here

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