

The Chippendale School Adventure

A blog by Ashley Petersen who loves working with wood.

Ashley was employed by an advertising agency in New York, but always had a passion for furniture and knew she had to make it a part of her life.

“I started working with an antique furniture restorer in Queens in the evenings after work and completed a short woodworking class in Brooklyn. I learned how to French polish, replace missing veneer and how to repair gilding and loved every minute of it!

Ali Meets Ali and George III Takes a Keen Interest

Alison Wilson started her career in architecture then became a construction consultant. She has designed her own house in Dunlop in Ayrshire.

Ali was going to commission a dining room table when she bumped into Alasdair Easton, a Chippendale School graduate who now runs Organic Geometry from the largest Chippendale Incubation workshop. Alison was very interested to hear that Ali (as he’s confusingly also known!) had learnt his professional woodworking skills at the Chippendale School of Furniture.

Workshop improvements give students more bench space

Anselm wanted to ensure his tutors were kept busy during the summer holidays so they’ve been refurbishing the main workshop and creating more space round student benches.

“Because we are a not-for-profit organisation, we are continually reinvesting in our buildings and facilities. Every year we make improvements. Our students wanted more space round their benches so we decided to make our workshop even bigger,” says Anselm Fraser.

Chippendale School Students Learn to Make Britain’s National Chair, the ‘Windsor Chair’

Tom Thackray, the UK’s leading Windsor chair maker, has just spent a week teaching woodworking students at the Chippendale International School of Furniture how to make Windsor chairs.  He first met Anselm when he was running his Thomas Chippendale School in South Carolina then Oregon, and has been coming to Scotland to the Chippendale School …

Chippendale School Students Learn to Make Britain’s National Chair, the ‘Windsor Chair’ Read More »

Your Invitation: Student Exhibition & Sale of Furniture – 17th & 18th June 2013

INVITATION from ANSELM & ANTONIA FRASER Student Exhibition and Sale of Furniture Monday 17th or Tuesday 18th June 2013 6 – 8 pm Wine and strawberries. Admire and buy inspiring, classical and contemporary furniture, all created by the school’s 20 talented students. The UK’s leading furniture school. Developing creative careers in wood. We look forward …

Your Invitation: Student Exhibition & Sale of Furniture – 17th & 18th June 2013 Read More »

Some of the Things that Make our Furniture Design Course Stand Out

Do you dream of building a rewarding career in professional furniture design and restoration? There are still some places on our furniture making and furniture restoration course starting this October 2013. Our feedback suggests that our courses are that little bit different: 1. We teach you up to 80 woodworking techniques in just 9 months …

Some of the Things that Make our Furniture Design Course Stand Out Read More »