

Meet the green maker: Chris Taylor

We love woodworking start-up stories and Chris Taylor’s tale is truly inspiring. In this blog, we find out how he took the plunge, switched careers, and is carving a career in eco-conscious, vegan furniture making!

Top tips for sustainable woodworking

The word sustainability is at the forefront of our minds this month, with the COP26 summit well underway.   We all have a role to play in protecting the planet, and the woodworking industry is no exception. In this blog, we will share our three top tips for sustainable practices within woodworking.   

Spotlight on 2021 Graduates – Group 4

Last but never least, here are the profiles and exquisite furniture pieces crafted by our fourth group of students at the 2021 Graduate Exhibition & Sale. Group 4 were tutored over the past year by Matty.   A wonderful time was had by all at the Graduate Exhibition and Sale which was held at the School from September 8th-11th. Visitors came to the school to view the graduates beautiful work …

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Spotlight on 2021 Graduates – Group 3

Introducing our third group of talented students who are showcasing their finely crafted pieces at the 2021 Graduate Exhibition & Sale. Group 3 were tutored over the past year, by Clare and Grant.  

Student story: Moving to the other side of the world to start a furniture making business

Have you thought about moving career, and maybe even moving country? Jason Hicks has done both! Originally based in Australia, Jason made the decision to move to Scotland to study at the Chippendale School, after a year spent travelling around Europe and the UK.  Here is the full story of how Jason got into woodworking …

Student story: Moving to the other side of the world to start a furniture making business Read More »

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