Doreen McGlone Chippendale furniture school

Stepmother and son

Last week we welcomed ten introductory course students to the school, including a husband and wife and the stepmother of one of our professional course students.

Doreen McGlone, who thoroughly enjoyed the course, is stepmother to Matthew McGlone, who is on this year’s professional course.

Woodworking also seems to be in the family blood, with Doreen’s father and both brothers having worked in wood.

She came on the course to discover new ideas, and reassess the way she could creatively look at things.

Doreen particularly liked the way our school principal, Anselm Fraser, encouraged students to set clear objectives, which she says was “both eccentric and refreshing.”

Completing the course, Doreen says, “has been a worthwhile achievement,” and has helped her “to see things differently.”

We’re delighted that everyone on the course enjoyed themselves and, if you are thinking of coming on a future course, dates and details are here

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