
Short course stories: A dentist flies in

Most people would settle for a career as either a dentist or an air ambulance pilot, but not both.

But that’s what Manuel Kalo from Hamburg managed to do, flying the sick and injured back to Germany…and then going back to his other day job as a dentist.

Manuel retired earlier this year and, having been a keen hobbyist woodworker for many years – including the restoration of his 1903 Hamburg house – decided that a short course at the Chippendale school would be the thing for him.

Now, having been on the course and seen how the Chippendale school works, he’s now enrolled on our professional course starting in October 2019.

That’s the great thing about our short courses because, for those people undecided on whether the professional course is for them, they give a taste of what woodworking is all about.

And for those, like Manuel, who decide to enroll on the 30-week course, our short course fees are deducted in full.

We look forward to welcoming Manuel back to Scotland next year!

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