Gordon Young at the Chippendale furniture school

Weaving with ebony

Gordon Young from Edinburgh is well on the way to completing a beautiful and functional desk in oak and flamed beech.

Gordon, who has a Masters degree in civil engineering from Heriot-Watt University, is someone who has always been a natural at making things.

That innate skill is evident in his desk, which will have three drawers, and is made special by the way the two woods converge on the top, joined together with a seam of macassar ebony veneer – which also falls down the side of the desk.

The addition of the ebony veneer to weave the woods together takes the functionality of a desk and transforms it into something of considerable artistic merit.

Gordon intends to pursue a career in fine furniture making, and may initially set up in business in our incubation space – which allows our professional course graduates to get started in their new careers while having access to the school’s equipment, machinery and tutor support.

Gordon combines his new passion for woodworking with his other passion for basketball, playing for Dunfermline Reign, a team in Scottish National Division One, and which has just won the divisional title.

So Congratulations to him for both his sporting and woodworking prowess!

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