
Favourite things: Frank’s console table

We’re continuing our look back at some of the standout furniture made by the class of 2017/18.

Over the past few years we’ve had a number of older students on our professional courses who have been looking to develop new skills in retirement.

This year we had two mature students, one from the USA and Frank Kirwan, who is local to the school and enjoyed a career in finance.

He wanted to do the course “to see if I could do it” – and the finished pieces he made shout out that he certainly can.

During the year, his output showed both woodworking skill and design talent.  Not bad for someone with no previous real woodworking experience.

The pieces he’s made are all now back home, and Frank intends to keep his hand in by making pieces for friends and family – a productive and enjoyable way to spend his retirement!

A signature piece was his console table in oak and yew, with inlaid oak around the drawers to complete a table that combines light and shade in one functional and decorative whole.

“It had always been an interest of mine to work with wood, and I’m very glad to have completed this course,” says Frank.

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