
Iconic Scottish hill redesigned as coffee table

It’s the famous extinct volcano that overlooks Edinburgh, and although nobody knows how it came to be called Arthur’s Seat, it’s said by some to be the site of legendary Camelot.

The 822 foot high hill has been featured in many novels, including Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, The Underground City by Jules Verne and in several Ian Rankin novels.

But now, one enterprising woodworking student at the Chippendale International School of Furniture has turned Arthur’s Seat into a striking and artistic coffee table.

Paddy O’Neill 32 has made his sycamore and yew table because of his passion for the outdoors and the importance of Ordnance Survey maps for safe navigation.

Paddy, who used to work offshore on oil rigs in the UK, Norway and the USA, was inspired to make his Arthur’s Seat table “because I live in Edinburgh and see it every day.”

He enrolled at the Chippendale school after deciding on a change in career and, following graduation in June, is setting up The Natural Edge, his own woodworking business in Edinburgh to specialise in furniture design, making, and kitchens.

His Arthur’s Seat table is all to scale from Ordnance Survey maps, has a large two-way drawer underneath and, to maximise visual impact, is glass-topped – giving you a bird’s-eye view every time you pick up your coffee cup.

“Everyone has their own special outdoor places, whether it’s a coastline or hill or mountain.  I would be delighted to render any of those landscapes into beautiful and functional pieces of furniture,” says Paddy.

Website http://thenaturaledge.co


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