We wanted to share this generous ‘thank you’ note received from David Cheshire, a former Chippendale International School of Furniture student from the US.

All the things I learned in the last nine months have sparked my passion for woodwork and I will always remember my time at the Furniture School. For me to achieve this I must say thank you to the people that helped make this happen.
First of all Isobel, the first time she showed me round the School. I didn’t saya thing. I’m never quiet! She helped me realise this is where I should be and helped keep me in line (most of the time anyway!).
Anselm, he helped me throughout the course with my pieces and especially when it came to looking for a job after School, and always gave me great advice.
Alan, a real pro with any kind of finish and really helped me understand the minefield of finishing secrets, and also for all his help with the SQA work.
Anything do do with wood, Graham will help! His knowledge and how he can think outside the box to find a solution at times is simply incredible, a massive help on all my pieces. A true wax filling guru!
Clare, able to help in any circumstances when it comes to getting out of trouble. A force to be reckoned with when it comes to restoration.
Sandy, ex-student, is the perfect example of what the Furniture School can turn you into, a true professional woodworker. Any problem, he’s your man. A great help during the course.
Last, but definitely not least, all the other students. As a group we all got on very well and all your opinions helped make my work better so a massive thank you to everyone!
Thank you, David!